In meditation you learn to rise above the negative states like stress anxiety and depression. Helpful as such distance is, those challenges can return as soon as you step away from your cushion. An Introduction to the Self Salutation presents method of meditation to process negative feelings so you can enjoy mindfulness after meditating.

In a genuine and relatable way, Simon Timm shares his own struggles with mindfulness during one of the most challenging times of his life—an epic failure. He then shares a process that uses the power of the meditative state to surface and resolve negative feelings.

In this book, Simon shares a meditation series that can help you to:
* Recognize the illusory nature of many of the negative states that disturb you
* Process and set aside the root cause of negative feelings
* Transform your most important relationship of all—the one with yourself
* Bring the harmony you experience during meditation into your relationships with others
* Find and maintain a state of giving yourself wholeheartedly to the life before you

By the end of The Self Salutation, you will know how to enter your heart of hearts through meditation, love the person you find there, and live from that space in your day-to-day life.

Sign up for the free weekly Self Salutation newsletter and explore a meditation that helps resolve negative feelings, rather than just rise above them temporarily.